January 10, 2017
Rosalia Chavez
The all-new revenge thriller television series Wolf Creek: Season One will be coming to DVD March 21 from Lionsgate. If you would like to see it sooner the series is on Digital HD. John Jarret returns to his role as the murdering psychopath of the Australian Outback, Mick Taylor. The show also includes Lucy Fry [...]
October 18, 2016
Jeff Heimbuch
I’ll be honest…I have a soft spot for the original Wolf Creek. It wasn’t a perfect movie by any means, but something about Mick Taylor struck me as interesting, and I was partial to his killing spree. Now, his story is expanded, in this Australian mini-series of the same name. The show continues to show [...]
October 13, 2016
Jeff Heimbuch
I remember watching the original WOLF CREEK movie a few years ago, and I found it quite interesting. From there, it turned into a franchise, and while the ones that followed weren't always the best, they were still entertaining. Now, the story of WOLF CREEK continues in a six-part television event, premiering exclusively on Pop [...]
Wolf Creek: Season One Coming to DVD March 21st
Wolk Creek: Season One coming to DVD
Return to Wolf Creek in this Fun, Sometimes Flawed, Series
Return to WOLF CREEK In This New Show Premiering Friday