February 8, 2021
Max Matta
When it comes to directorial debuts there seems to be the trend of knocking it completely out of the park or crashing and burning spectacularly. Obviously, there are many factors that go into the results but for every Citizen Kane there seems to be its Date Movie. With the spectrum though there are bound to be the [...]
September 7, 2020
Max Matta
Only so many mistakes can be made in a film before you begin to question the production. A film can have a bad cinematographer and still get by, just like bad actors or a director can hurt, but maybe not sink a film. However, when everything is handled poorly it is hard to make excuses [...]
September 1, 2020
Max Matta
Now more than ever with the state of the world, whether it be the global pandemic or the current political climate, death is on the minds of many people right now. Obviously many of us have no intention of dying anytime soon, but it is hard to keep these factors from bringing up the conversation [...]
August 17, 2020
Max Matta
There is a classic debate that has raged about media for as long as less than savory content has been around, do violent pieces of media cause violence? Discussed to death, fearful parents and concerned bystanders have always been fearful that seeing violence inspires violence in the youth. From videogames to films there are media [...]
July 12, 2020
Max Matta
For the uninitiated, there is a subgenre in horror where people put movies that are overly violent or graphic in an excessively cruel manner called "mean spirited" horror. A Serbian Film would be considered by many to be the most worthy of the title considering its vile content but even films like Silent Night Deadly Night have gained this [...]
July 9, 2020
Max Matta
Philosophers have discussed for thousands of years whether humans have the free will to make up their own destinies or if each of us has a predetermined fate. As this question, along with the meaning of life, cannot be answered we leave it to be our writers and filmmakers to speculate and create possible answers [...]
June 17, 2020
Max Matta
If you have ever tried playing a game where the rules were missing from the box, things can become confusing and frustrating quite quick. Same with a board game, there needs to be a certain set of rules in a horror movie to make the danger the characters experience feel threatening, yet overcomeable. In Nightmare [...]
TAILGATE–The Price Of Pride In A Panic
BODY FARM Is An Adequate Directorial Debut
EVIL UNDER THE SKIN–Belongs in the Bin
IMMORTAL, Four Tales Of Those Who Can’t Die
RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE is Deeper than it’s Title
PARTS UNKNOWN, Edgy Garbage Drenched in Neon Light
VOLITION, Fated to Become Predictable
LAKE ARTIFACT, Add Scenes to Explain the Rules of the Plot
TAILGATE–The Price Of Pride In A Panic
BODY FARM Is An Adequate Directorial Debut
EVIL UNDER THE SKIN–Belongs in the Bin
IMMORTAL, Four Tales Of Those Who Can’t Die
RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE is Deeper than it’s Title
PARTS UNKNOWN, Edgy Garbage Drenched in Neon Light
VOLITION, Fated to Become Predictable
LAKE ARTIFACT, Add Scenes to Explain the Rules of the Plot
TAILGATE–The Price Of Pride In A Panic
BODY FARM Is An Adequate Directorial Debut
EVIL UNDER THE SKIN–Belongs in the Bin
IMMORTAL, Four Tales Of Those Who Can’t Die
RANDOM ACTS OF VIOLENCE is Deeper than it’s Title
PARTS UNKNOWN, Edgy Garbage Drenched in Neon Light
VOLITION, Fated to Become Predictable
LAKE ARTIFACT, Add Scenes to Explain the Rules of the Plot