February 6, 2022
Miranda Riddle
Slamdance 2022 Film Festival - Winter Insect, Summer Flower is a collaborative, experimental effort between artists Tee Jaehyung Park and Gbenga Komolafe - first conceptualized as a visual project for an artists' collective. The concept, introduced to us with stunning visuals and no dialogue, is a deconstruction of the "body is a temple" platitude - and [...]
February 22, 2021
Miranda Riddle
Immersive, bombastic, cataclysmic--the end of the world is a scary place in Catastrophe Anthem. Actress Tuesday Thomas bravely takes on the apocalypse, dancing in the flames, the ruins, and the shrapnel of the old world as it crumbles. Speaking directly to the camera, she soliloquizes on the looming threats around us--from social media, to social [...]
October 22, 2019
Brian Tull
Koko-di Koko-da, from writer/director Johannes Nyholm, is what I imagine you would get if you forced Lars Von Trier at gunpoint to remake Happy Death Day. Elin ( Ylva Gallon ) and Tobias ( Leif Edlund ) are on vacation with their daughter, Maja ( Katarina Jakobson ), who suddenly dies for unknown reasons. Cut [...]
April 11, 2018
Brian Tull
Sometimes I let my curiosity get the best of me. When you do this job, the best thing you can do is to just not watch the trailer going in, but I just can’t help myself. The most you can usually hope for is to see something that looks appealing and just hope that all [...]
June 1, 2015
Mike Hansen
[vc_row][vc_column width="1/1"][vc_column_text]"One need not be a chamber to be haunted, one need not be a house; the brain has corridors surpassing material place." --Emily Dickinson Emily is a ghost. She spends her days repetitively doing the same chores around her Victorian home, making breakfast, cleaning or dusting or reading, over and over again, with nothing but a [...]
Larry – Sundance 2024
Koko-di Koko-da Is A Faintly Profound Cinematic Fugue State
EDDIE GLUM is a Lo-Fi Experimental Horror Gem
Uncle Mike Reviews: I Am A Ghost