April 30, 2016
Vicks Toghia
Perhaps for many of you I could simply show a picture of this character from the (not so much for my childhood) delightful family musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and it would invoke nightmares. And before we get too far down the line it's important to state that I am a huge Sherman Brothers fan. The music [...]
March 19, 2016
Vicks Toghia
Before I begin in on one of my favorite after school TV shows, I want to point out there are so many worlds of psychedelic weirdness in the shows of Sid and Marty Krofft, that one article simply will never be enough. Instead I am starting with the programs I remember being the most wondrous [...]
Gateway Scares – How Young Is Too Young?
Ken’s Gateway Scares – Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (Child Catcher)
Ken’s Horror Gateway Scares – Sid and Marty Krofft’s Lidsville