April 14, 2016
Ryan Asher
They're creepy and they're kooky. Mysterious and spooky. They're altogether ooky. They're horror artists! Dun, nuh, nuh, nuh. *SNAP SNAP* Oh, that's right HorrorBuzz readers! We are back with another installment of our very own, HorrorGram - Horror Artist, feature. This week's creepy, and diabolical artist is the talented, Alexis Witherspoon. What work caught our [...]
February 10, 2016
Ryan Asher
Small figurines, big imagination! If you're a geek, name your genre (you could literally make anything up), and through the far reach of the web you will find other like minded people. Among the masses of geekdom fanatics, you'll find imagination runs this joint heavily. From elaborate Cosplay, to LARPING, to... you guessed it, collecting [...]
HorrorGram: Horror Collectors
HorrorGram – Horror Artist: Alexis Witherspoon
HorrorGram: Toy Photography