September 23, 2016
Norman Gidney
Knott's Scary Farm 2016 has now officially opened and the fog, the ghouls, and the Hell Boxes are all out, ready to scare, terrify, and bemuse. There are nine mazes total this year for the annual event, in addition to 4 Skeleton Key Rooms (nominal fee applies), and one more Virtual Reality attraction (separate up-charge [...]
September 21, 2016
Norman Gidney
Today a brand new trailer came out for a horror pic we are pretty excited over. What if there was a company you could call that, for a premium, will bring your fears to life. You don’t have to leave your house, your office, or your vacation; the scares are customized to your tastes and arrive at your doorstep [...]
September 10, 2016
Norman Gidney
One of our very favorite film festivals in the Los Angeles area is returning for 2016 and, WOW, they aren't fooling around this year. Screamfest Horror Film Festival recently announced a first wave of films to be admitted to the festival. Among the prestigious list is Fear Inc. staring Abigail Breslin , My Father Die from [...]
August 26, 2016
Norman Gidney
Last night Knott's Scary Farm had a big gala event, announcing all of their fiendish plans for 2016. Filled with originality and a fierce edge, Knott's ensemble of eeeek-inducing creations promises to be yet another wonderful year shrouded in the fog. Depending on a seemingly endless wellspring of creativity, the creative geniuses behind this years horrific [...]
Fear, Inc. Plays Scary Game With Audience Premieres at Screamfest
Knott’s Scary Farm 2016 Scarier Than Ever and a Lot of Fun
Brand new Trailer for Fear, Inc. Hits, Film Arrives Oct 21st
Screamfest Returns to Los Angeles With a Slew of Scares
Knott’s Scary Farm Lifts the Curtain on Halloween Haunt 2016
Fear, Inc. Plays Scary Game With Audience Premieres at Screamfest
Knott’s Scary Farm 2016 Scarier Than Ever and a Lot of Fun
Brand new Trailer for Fear, Inc. Hits, Film Arrives Oct 21st
Screamfest Returns to Los Angeles With a Slew of Scares
Knott’s Scary Farm Lifts the Curtain on Halloween Haunt 2016
Fear, Inc. Plays Scary Game With Audience Premieres at Screamfest
Knott’s Scary Farm 2016 Scarier Than Ever and a Lot of Fun
Brand new Trailer for Fear, Inc. Hits, Film Arrives Oct 21st
Screamfest Returns to Los Angeles With a Slew of Scares
Knott’s Scary Farm Lifts the Curtain on Halloween Haunt 2016