May 8, 2020
Lindsey Ungerman
Is 80 dollars a night worth your safety? This is the very question Richard Halpern, director of Suburban Nightmare, asked himself while working on a project. “A family of four, mother and father late 30’s, two toddler daughters, allowed me, someone they never met, to move into their home while they lived there. I thought [...]
December 30, 2018
Remy Cashman
I'll start by saying that it's honestly a miracle when any movie is made, ever--especially one with a low budget. The Pinch was reportedly made with under $100k which is impressive for any feature film. However (and this is a big however), a low budget isn't an excuse for a significantly amateurish quality with easily avoidable [...]
Phoenix FearCon is Going Virtual This October
Suburban Nightmare Premiere Campaign to Launch
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