January 23, 2022
Adrienne Reese
Sundance 2022 Film Festival Premiere - I love all movies about witchcraft, from cheesy The Craft knockoffs to the upper echelons of cinema where Suspiria lives; and having watched just about everything in between, I cannot say that I've seen a witch film quite like Master. Written and directed by Mariama Diallo as her feature [...]
November 28, 2021
Adrienne Reese
Written and directed by Leroy Kincaide in his feature film debut, The Last Rite is a possession film that deals with supernatural entities, exorcisms, precarious romantic relationships, and sleep paralysis. As an added layer, I felt this film also delved deeply into mental issues and childhood trauma, seeing its protagonist manifest past nightmares into existence [...]
April 1, 2020
Nicole Olmstead
Hospitals naturally radiate a sense of uncomfortableness and deep-rooted fears and dread. Toss in vengeful spirits, horrific experimentations and twisted minds obsessed with the occult, and you'll find yourself running to your momma to kiss your boo-boos all better. This hospital filled with nothing but the darkest nightmares is the perfect setting for Corpse Party [...]
May 26, 2017
Eric Ryan
A notorious cult kidnaps a young girl and sacrifices themselves by the light of the locust moon. The next morning the girl awakes, caked in dried blood and surrounded by corpses but safe – or so she thinks. Years later, the locust moon is about to rise again and the girl is captured once more [...]
OLDBOY’S APPLES–The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree–Slamdance 2022
MASTER–A Chilling Critique Of Race & Mental Health Through Fear Of The Witch–2022 Sundance Film Festival
THE LAST RITE Is A Last Resort Watch
Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient- Terror and Gore Galore!
THE HERETICS Features Strong Acting in a Good Story
OLDBOY’S APPLES–The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree–Slamdance 2022
MASTER–A Chilling Critique Of Race & Mental Health Through Fear Of The Witch–2022 Sundance Film Festival
THE LAST RITE Is A Last Resort Watch
Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient- Terror and Gore Galore!
THE HERETICS Features Strong Acting in a Good Story
OLDBOY’S APPLES–The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree–Slamdance 2022
MASTER–A Chilling Critique Of Race & Mental Health Through Fear Of The Witch–2022 Sundance Film Festival
THE LAST RITE Is A Last Resort Watch
Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient- Terror and Gore Galore!
THE HERETICS Features Strong Acting in a Good Story