January 19, 2021
Scix Maddix
From the movie poster for SPOOR (also known as POKOT in the original Polish), you'd be forgiven for assuming this was another Polish werewolf story. It is instead the story of a dotty old lady named Duszejko (Agnieszka Mandat) living in the woods and clashing with local poachers and the police, politicians and clergy who seem [...]
December 1, 2020
Scix Maddix
Disappointingly, this movie (Original title Wilkołak) doesn't have any "real" werewolves -- though the title does have a double meaning. Or perhaps triple? But what is a werewolf? King Lycaon, turned into a wolf by Zeus as punishment for trying to feed him the flesh of his own murdered son (see Ovid's Metamorphosis)? The societal [...]
PLANTARIUM–Slamdance 2022
SPOOR Explores Ecology, Corruption & Revenge in a Charming Package
WEREWOLF is a Strangely Beautiful Siege Movie About WWII Concentration Camp Orphans [Review]