October 8, 2016
Norman Gidney
We are happy to report that Australia’s premier genre film festival Monster Fest just rolled out their first slate of official selections. Following on announcements that the official Opening Film will be Julia Ducournau’s controversial RAW, with Jim Hosking’s THE GREASY STRANGLER as Closing Film and keynote speaker Ted Kotcheff presenting retrospective screenings of his films WAKE [...]
September 24, 2016
Rosalia Chavez
The controversial french horror film, RAW will be the official opening Night Film at Monster Fest. Monster Fest has become the premier genre film festival in Australia and to open with this gut wrenching film is only right. The film festival will begin November 24th and continue to November 27th. The film first made its appearance at [...]
June 19, 2016
Rosalia Chavez
During Monster Pictures market outings to secure films for their Monster Fest 2016 they managed to secure the rights to Raw, french director Julia Ducournau's feature film debut. Raw is about a vegetarian who takes a dark turn following a carnivorous college hazing ritual. RAW will be joining the list of films acquired by Monster Pictures at their [...]
Cannibal Horror Flick Raw is Bloody Amazing
Monster Fest Announces its First Slate of Selections for 2016
“RAW” to Open Monster Fest and “Frequencies Side Bar
Australia’s Monster Pictures Secured Rights to Cannes RAW