August 16, 2021
Brian Fanelli
Fantasia International Film Festival (FIFF) – A stranger comes to town is one of the most basic plot devices because it’s effective and creates immediate tension. Someone shows up to disrupt the static setting. In the case of writer/director Mark O’Brien’s black and white film The Righteous, that stranger unleashes spine-tingling terror upon grieving parents. Henry [...]
January 21, 2021
Max Matta
The true beauty of any art form is that anyone, regardless of their age, race, creed, social standing, or anything in between, can create art. In film especially the audience gets to experience stories told from every walk of life and even a story told that has been told before can be experienced like never [...]
December 17, 2018
Sepideh Nia
Having a baby in a convent is not as safe as it seems – as deemed in the new trailer for St. Agatha. The jarring horror film was directed by Darren Lynn Bousman (Saw II, III & IV) and stars Sabrina Kern, Carolyn Hennesy and Courtney Halverson. Synopsis: In the 1950’s a pregnant young woman [...]
THE RIGHTEOUS–Religious Horror Done Right–FIFF
THE VIGIL–Traumas of the Past Come to Haunt Us
St. Agatha trailer promises scares with creepy nuns