May 7, 2019
Adam Lozano
Max Brooks's amazing novel World War Z was made into a mediocre film back in 2013. As audience members watched this film, someone must have thought: "Hey this would be a cool video game!" And now, 6 years later, the game has been released with no real demand for it. With that said, did we [...]
March 13, 2019
Adam Lozano
Strangely for 2018, there weren't that many mainstream horror titles. This is good since it leaves room for other games to shine. So, sorry Capcom and EA, you have to take the back seat this time. But, I did want to highlight my Top 5 Horror Games for 2018, so here we go!. 5 - [...]
February 27, 2019
Adam Lozano
Looking back at 2018, mainstream horror games were...well, let's just say lighter on content than 2017. But where did horror shine this year, you might ask? Why, in the Indie scene, of course! This year, Indie horror topped the charts for scares. Here is my list for Top 5 Indie Horror Games of 2018! #5. [...]
February 19, 2019
Adam Lozano
It has been nearly twenty-one years since Resident Evil 2 had scarred our childhoods with the fear that an actual zombie apocalypse could happen. CAPCOM decided to revive that terror, and gave us a re-imaging of the horror classic game. Resident Evil 2 is a complete overhauled and re-imaging of the zombie apocalypse, but does [...]
October 10, 2018
Adam Lozano
The Walking Dead: The Final Season will receive a physical release in the form of a season pass disc for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. The season pass disc will be available online and at retailers starting November 6, 2018 for $29.99 USD in the following regions: the United States, Canada, Latin America, the United [...]
Resident Evil 3 Demo: Return to the Infected City
WORLD WAR Z Glitchy But Great Fun [Game Review]
HorrorBuzz’s Top 5 Horror Games of 2018
Top 5 Indie Horror Games of 2018
REVIEW: Resident Evil 2 (2019)
The Walking Dead: The Final Season Arrives in Stores November 6