New Year new you. Come January 1st everyone claims they are going to be a better version of themselves but by March we’ve all reverted to original sloppy selves. But if you could change would you? If you could be someone different would you? No matter the cost? LIFECHANGER will ring in the new year answering these questions and more.

Synopsis: Drew has an identity problem. Every few days, has to shape-shift, or face a painful death. He has to find someone and make a copy. He takes everything: their looks, memories, hopes, and dreams. Their entire life. He becomes them, and they die horribly. Enter Julia, the object of Drewā€™s affection. How can he make things right when heā€™s never the same person for very long? How do you gain back trust when who you are keeps changing? Part psychological thriller, part body horror, LIFECHANGER follows one shape-shiftersā€™ twisted quest to repair the damage heā€™s caused, while leaving a trail of bodies in his wake.

Lifechanger - Trailer
The first thing I noticed about the trailer is the music. The soundtrackĀ was an excellent choice, creating a heightened sense of suspense that draws the viewer in. The story itself seems like an interesting concept but looks like there could be a lot of confusion in following who’s life is “changing” and who the shapeshifter is claiming now. My biggest question is the conflict. The movie can’t be 90 minutes of shapeshifting, there must be more conflict to it than that, but the trailer didn’t reveal exactly what that conflict was, only barely hinted at it. Whether that was intentional or unintentional my curiosityĀ has been piqued.

LIFECHANGER is written and directed by Justin McConnell, and produced by AviĀ  Federgreen and McConnell.Produced by 9 Light Entertainment in association with Federgreen Entertainment and Unstable Ground. The film will be distributed by Raven Banner Entertainment and Uncorkā€™d Entertainment. LIFECHANGER will be released to Video on Demand by Uncork’d Entertainment in North America January 1, 2019. Start off 2019 right with a little blood, a little gore, a little romance, and a whole lot of CHANGE.


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