November 11, 2018
Remy Cashman
Adam Cushman’s psychological thriller RESTRAINT starring Dana Ashbrook (Twin Peaks, Late Phases) has been acquired by Breaking Glass Pictures for North America and Canada. The film will hit all US VOD platforms and DVD tomorrow 11/6. This winner for Best Director at Downtown LA Film Festival and Best Film at Rhode Island Film Festival tells the story of a [...]
November 20, 2016
Brian Tull
Breaking Glass Pictures has recently announced the release dates for Sins Of Our Youth directed by twins Gary and Edmund Entin. Sins Of Our Youth is a frightening, cautionary tale of four teenagers who accidentally kill a younger boy while firing assault weapons recreationally and the perilous decisions they make in the wake of the [...]
She’s Just a Shadow Exclusive Trailer Splatters Onto Web
Breaking Glass Pictures Presents RESTRAINT Starring Dana Ashbrook
Sins Of Our Youth Coming from Gary and Edmund Entin