April 1, 2016
Mike Hansen
Mickey Keating's (Pod, Carnage Park) new movie, Darling, is not your typical horror movie, and that is a fantastic thing. Filmed in austere black-and-white, with a jarring soundtrack, jolting subliminal flashes, and a magnetic performance by Lauren Ashley Carter as the title character, this movie is unnerving and disturbing in all the right ways. Carter [...]
January 28, 2016
Ryan Asher
Happy, "HorrorGram Thursday", all you fiend's! This week, we start something really cool. Throughout the year, you will start to see various HorrorGram posts highlighting a specific artist. This week, the artist we focus on specializes in making you bleed! Sounds horrifying doesn't it?! The best part about voluntarily torturing yourself for hours on end, [...]
October 25, 2015
Mike Hansen
You've been abducted by The Psycho, a notorious serial killer. He's locked you in one of his kill rooms. He's given you 45 minutes to try and escape. Figure out the clues and live. Fail and die. We died. I may have helped kill us by accidentally keeping a clue in my hand. (spoiler alert) [...]
May 15, 2015
Mike Hansen
"She thinks there's something wrong with me." --Norman Bates Psycho. Psycho II. Psycho III. Psycho IV. Bates Motel (the failed pilot starring Bud Cort). And now Bates Motel, the re-booted story of Norman Bates, created by LOST's Carlton Cruse, Kerry Ehrin, and Anthony Cipriano. Did we really need another retelling of this story? I've got [...]
Miskatonic LA set to end semester with Murder Set Piece
Darling is Bloody Well-Done
HorrorGram: Horror Ink artist – Joe K. Worrall
Psycho Escape Room Delightfully Puzzling
Uncle Mike Reviews: Bates Motel