July 8, 2021
Lindsey Ungerman
The old saying goes, ‘till death do us part.’ But I think when people say ‘I Do’, it is rarely considered what that phrase truly means. Fortunately for us, Till Death has brought new life to the survival horror genre and we get to see what happens when ‘I Do’ turns into ‘I Don’t’. I [...]
September 30, 2020
Miranda Riddle
SHORTCUT hits all the marks for a future cult classic survival horror, an underappreciated sub-genre. Shows like The Walking Dead and super-success films like Us and A Quiet Place remind the general public that the survival horror genre exists outside of the video game world, and for good reason. SHORTCUT jumps on that train (or [...]
DITCHED Paints The Woods Red
TILL DEATH Is Dynamic And Worth Saying ‘I Do’ To
Teen Survival Horror SHORTCUT makes all the right turns