• Categories: Movie Reviews, Movies

      May 26, 2020

      Max Matta

      The whole act of making a good anthology, a single film with multiple stories, comes down to balance. Are a majority of the stories effective and if not, what order should they be in so one half isn't stronger than the other? Is there anything to connect the stories together or is the wrap-around going [...]

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    • FUTURE FEAR, a Banquet of Slop with a Cherry on Top

      June 15, 2021
    • FOR WE ARE MANY, and Many of Them Aren’t Great

      May 26, 2020


    • FUTURE FEAR, a Banquet of Slop with a Cherry on Top

    • FOR WE ARE MANY, and Many of Them Aren’t Great


    • FUTURE FEAR, a Banquet of Slop with a Cherry on Top

    • FOR WE ARE MANY, and Many of Them Aren’t Great

  • FUTURE FEAR, a Banquet of Slop with a Cherry on Top

  • FOR WE ARE MANY, and Many of Them Aren’t Great