February 22, 2021
Max Matta
As I mentioned recently in another review, with most filmmakers being in their 30s now, the 90s nostalgia is expected to hit the silver screen as it did with the 80s for the last decade. One of the trends that hit its hardest in the 90s and still has roots in the now is the [...]
May 29, 2020
Max Matta
Have you ever heard the classic story of the parents of a small child telling them to never trust a stranger offering them free candy? As adults, it makes perfect sense, but to a child turning down free candy is illogical and doesn't make any sense. It is a classic mistake of having an important [...]
March 16, 2020
Max Matta
Having likable characters in a film has never been a hard hurdle when it comes to the audience. Making them relatable and a character you want to root for is more tricky but just likable is easy. Characters the audience enjoys make them more likely to want to see them survive and succeed, which can [...]
August 23, 2015
Jeff Heimbuch
You guys, I am kind of excited about this one. Harbinger Down came out in early August, but I still have not had a chance to catch it yet. However, it is right up my alley. The film is about a group of grad students that have booked passage on the fishing trawler Harbinger to [...]
I NEED YOU DEAD!–Too Self-Aware For It’s Own Good
PSYCHO GOREMAN–Crazy Ball Hunky Boys & A Great Film
ABNORMAL ATTRACTION, a Charming but Backwards Mess
HARBINGER DOWN is the All Practical Creature Film We Want